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Monday 13 – Friday 17 January 2025 – 1 place left!
The world of books is vast and varied, and knowing how to make them adds an exciting creative dimension to an artist’s repertoire. Experimentation, planning and happenstance are key to injecting new life into old works, or making new work where narrative and design become integral and synergistic. We will explore codex and non-codex structures, employing good practice, paper handling and paperfolding techniques to produce books that present work in new ways, and are works of art in themselves. *All levels
* Please note some familiarity with using small tools and sharp blades would be an advantage.
The world of books is vast and varied, and knowing how to make them adds an exciting creative dimension to an artist’s repertoire. Experimentation, planning and happenstance are key to injecting new life into old works, or making new work where narrative and design become integral and synergistic. We will explore codex and non-codex structures, employing good practice, paper handling and paperfolding techniques to produce books that present work in new ways, and are works of art in themselves. *All levels
* Please note some familiarity with using small tools and sharp blades would be an advantage.
Website alphabetcitypress.com
Instagram avrilmakula
Avril Makula is a book artist, book designer, bookbinder and owner of Alphabet City Press. In her current practice, she prints and binds books using both new and old technologies, takes discarded books and restructures them into new forms, and makes prints using letter shapes. While much of her work explores the book as art using typography, geometry and colour as content, she finds herself increasingly influenced by the natural world around her. Avril has also published ‘Type Town: a neighbourhood of glyphs, graffiti, ligatures and legs’. Her work is held in public and private collections.
Instagram avrilmakula
Avril Makula is a book artist, book designer, bookbinder and owner of Alphabet City Press. In her current practice, she prints and binds books using both new and old technologies, takes discarded books and restructures them into new forms, and makes prints using letter shapes. While much of her work explores the book as art using typography, geometry and colour as content, she finds herself increasingly influenced by the natural world around her. Avril has also published ‘Type Town: a neighbourhood of glyphs, graffiti, ligatures and legs’. Her work is held in public and private collections.