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2 Day | Saturday 15 – Sunday 16 March 2025
STRING BAG – only 3 places left! You will learn harvesting and processing of native plants to make cordage to thread and loop a string bag. All levels |
4 Day | Monday 16 – Thursday 20 March 2025
GHOST NET BASKETS – only 2 places left! You will bush solar dye a selection of upcycled fabrics to then weave around recycled materials such as discarded ropes and nets for making ghost net baskets. All levels |
Insta bushtukka_cassie
Cassie Leatham is a First Nations master weaver and multidisciplinary artist. Cassie is a Cultural Educator, Award winning Artist/Designer, Bushtukka specialist, Master Weaver, and has had her works acquired by National Gallery Victoria, National Australian Musuem, Koori Heritage Trust collections, Museum Art Gallery of Northern Territory, Melbourne Magistrates Courts and exhibited nationally and internationally.
Cassie Leatham is a First Nations master weaver and multidisciplinary artist. Cassie is a Cultural Educator, Award winning Artist/Designer, Bushtukka specialist, Master Weaver, and has had her works acquired by National Gallery Victoria, National Australian Musuem, Koori Heritage Trust collections, Museum Art Gallery of Northern Territory, Melbourne Magistrates Courts and exhibited nationally and internationally.