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2 Day | Saturday 15 – Sunday 16 March 2025
NOT JUST KNITTING This weekend is for knitters of all levels, wherever you are on your knitting journey, you may have knitted many garments, or be ready to knit your first garment. Learn how to judge your knitting on the needles with some simple guidelines, a few tips and tricks and very little maths. We’ll talk tension, picking up neckbands and for a little fun handmade buttons. Jane will bring a range of her Signatur Handknit designs, plus some key pieces of her own wardrobe, to show how educational your own wardrobe can be! If your luggage is limited take a photo of a couple of pieces or wear them on the plane! All levels |
4 Day | Monday 17 – Thursday 20 March 2025
ALL ABOUT KNITTING – 2 places left! This class is for all levels, as when you have mastered knit and purl then you can enter a world of texture and colour. Jane has prepared stitch samplers for the class, like a tension swatch but a lot more interesting. The class will explore not just the stitches, but how designer incorporate these stitches into garments as both decorative and functional. The swatches include rules for cables, increases for raised textures with bobbles and bells, increases to create holes and achieve lace, then for many knitters a real challenge colour work. Colour work is also about colour selection too, so we’ll play with colours whilst working the swatches including Mitres, Intarsia and Fairisle. Each swatch will start simple and then move onto more challenging for the more advanced knitters. Learning is about going at your own speed and Jane’s class allows students to work at their own pace. All levels |
Website sigknit.com
Insta signaturhandknits
Jane Slicer-Smith works from her Sydney studio, selling her designs as handknitted garments and knitting kits under her Signatur Handknits label.
Educated in England, Jane completed a four-year knitwear design course at Trent University, focusing on factory knitted goods. However, before graduating, Jane discovered a love for handknitting, taking commission designs for Debbie Bliss, Sidar, Pins & Needles Magazine and the British Wool Board.
Jane has designed in Japan, the UK and the USA, eventually making her home in Sydney. Jane started Signatur Handknits with a market stall, creating designs without the boundaries of yarn company design briefs. Jane has sold in stores in New York, San Francisco and London, where for 15 years she worked a second winter each year, teaching at Stitches Events in the USA and selling at The Knitting & stitching Show in London.
Insta signaturhandknits
Jane Slicer-Smith works from her Sydney studio, selling her designs as handknitted garments and knitting kits under her Signatur Handknits label.
Educated in England, Jane completed a four-year knitwear design course at Trent University, focusing on factory knitted goods. However, before graduating, Jane discovered a love for handknitting, taking commission designs for Debbie Bliss, Sidar, Pins & Needles Magazine and the British Wool Board.
Jane has designed in Japan, the UK and the USA, eventually making her home in Sydney. Jane started Signatur Handknits with a market stall, creating designs without the boundaries of yarn company design briefs. Jane has sold in stores in New York, San Francisco and London, where for 15 years she worked a second winter each year, teaching at Stitches Events in the USA and selling at The Knitting & stitching Show in London.